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Guido Vermeulen's mail art envelopes are like worlds into themselves and at the same time they are part of the much larger whole.

(a comment by NANCY BELL SCOTT, USA, on the IUOMA network)

Guido's paintings are like finding images in the clouds
(a comment by Kathleen D. Johnson, USA, on IUOMA)

Guido does not paint monsters but spirits and ghosts, full of love, tenderness and compassion
(LIZA LEYLA during a conversation, Belgium)

His ability to express emotions through painting is a beautiful gift. Allowing oneself to feel sadness is the most direct route through grief. His paintings feel peaceful and kind.


My life is shifting... Your work is intangible, ethereal, cosmically rewarding. i eat it up & savor it like a great sandwich! It made my day!

Thank you for the TALISMAN painting on the envelope. It is real cool and creepy at the same time. I haven’t seen a piece of abstract capture such as pain and emotion so well since I visited the museum of art in Toledo. Bravo!
(Sarah Jo Pender, USA, from the Indiana Women’s Prison)

I suppose you could characterize Guido's painting style as expressionist. I know he is very interested in dreams as a source for art and poetry, and these particular chapter pages seem like shadowy dream corridors filled with shifting images and scenes. The Michaux quotes work as a counterpoint, Guido's art is taking over when the limits of language have been reached.
(De Villo Sloan, USA, on my tribute pages to Henri Michaux, see LAMUSAR blog)

Guido’s art expressions are always poems and they show us the reality of our real faces and souls (Mariana Serban, Romania)

His titles have both inspired and educated me (Alicia Starr, USA)

vrijdag 2 juli 2010


Oh baby, oh baybe, oh Bay of fools
What a dish you are
Shipwrecked, I feel so shipwrecked
when I see you eating without any
blinking of the eye or stomach ache

WE should stop the dating circus, you told me
It creates only misery and misunderstandings
Your angry voice nearly ruined my sushi recovery

Let's try to see the bigger picture here, I stuttered
In Congo women are raped on a daily base
after beating the manioc to feed their families
Once the rebels nail them down with cocks and spikes
The next time it's the turn of the regular army to show "la force publique"
And then after 50 years of bloodshed independence
a not too brilliant Belgian PM comments
on the necessity of "well performing armed forces"
while king & queen eat the dish of shame and fame
next to Mister Monster Mugabe disguised as Hitler with a neatly trimmed black moustache

You know how to cook manioc? you asked me with wondering blue eyes & big blond hairdo
What a great comment that was! It felt as if the moon drowned in Lake Tanganyka, as if the Kilimandjaro was reduced to the size of the Baraque Friture

You know how to f*** the sunset?
I replied with the smile of a sick child
who suddenly had eaten too much sorrow
& eyes were offered as scarecrow food for futile gods

And then I finally told her I agreed:
WE should stop dating
Full stop !!!

Guido Vermeulen
1 july 2010

written for Deborah Davidson's Food project
and dedicated to a trio of friends:
Monica Arac de Nyeco (Uganda)
Rais Boneza (Congo)
Ashley Parker Owens (USA)

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